Better Privacy For Mac Safari

To learn more about Safari web extensions and privacy, check out the 'Meet Safari Web Extensions' talk. And this year on the Mac, we're bringing many of the technologies and privacy protections you're familiar with on iOS to macOS. Users can now control Bluetooth access for macOS apps that use Core Bluetooth. The first thing you may want to adjust is the search engine. The DuckDuckGo search engine blocks.

Most Mac users are browsing the web using either the built-in Safari browser or they have installed Google's Chrome browser. Both browsers have their advantages. Each works well within their own Apple or Google ecosystem. Safari has some clear advantages when it comes to MacBook battery life and privacy. Chrome works better for Google Apps users and those that also have Android or Windows devices.

Better Privacy For Mac Safari Mac


Check out Which Browser Is Better On Mac: Safari Or Chrome? at YouTube for closed captioning and more options.

Iphone Safari Privacy


Better Privacy For Mac Safari Chrome

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